Hello, champ! 🥇
Thanks for booking your application call!
I am super excited to help you succeed with COD!

Your application call will me and my partner, Catalin.

In the call, we'll take a look at your current situation, what things you want to accomplish, and how we can help you achieve them.

Also - Make sure you join our FREE COD eCommerce Facebook Group by clicking the button below (we share a lot of valuable insights that will surely help you)
Make sure to be on time on the call, because you won't be able to reschedule/rebook again.

Check your e-mail address to find the access link and for further instructions on how you can join the call.

Note: You will be notified via eMail and Messages. So please check them!
See you there,
Sergiu Laslau

Hello, champ! 🥇
Thanks for booking your application call!
I am super excited to help you succeed with COD!

Your application call will me and my partner, Catalin. In the call, we'll take a look at your current situation, what things you want to accomplish, and how we can help you achieve them.

Also - Make sure you join our FREE COD eCommerce Facebook Group by clicking the button below (we share a lot of valuable insights that will surely help you)
Make sure to be on time on the call, because you won't be able to reschedule/rebook again.

Check your e-mail address to find the access link and for further instructions on how you can join the call.

Note: You will be notified via eMail and Messages. So please check them!
See you there,
Sergiu Laslau

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